2020年DK新书《How to Attract birds to Your Garden 如何将鸟类吸引...值得入手!





  改变您当地的鸟类生活。 通过建立可以使鸟类繁衍的避风港,帮助扭转鸟类数量的下降。 这是双赢。 为他们提供最佳的住所,觅食和筑巢的机会,然后您就可以在他们唱歌和娱乐时获得回报。


  About How to Attract Birds to Your Garden

  Help your local wild birds by providing them with a safe garden environment

  Make a difference to your local birdlife. Help reverse the decline in bird numbers by creating a haven in which they will thrive. It's a win-win. Provide the best shelter, feeding and nesting opportunities for them and then you can reap the r

ewards as they sing and entertain.

  No need to be an expert gardener already, or to break the bank - many of the most beneficial features can be installed easily and cheaply, and many you can build yourself or upcycle to be eco-friendly.

2020年DK新书《How to Attract birds to Your Garden 如何将鸟类吸引...值得入手! 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/thread-19079-1-1.html

转载请注明转载地址:2020年DK新书《How to Attract birds to Your Garden 如何将鸟类吸引...值得入手!:http://www.hxstjt.com/crjc/21096.html

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