











1、now the problems of energy is becoming critical,it____an immediate solution.

a.calls on b.call sup c.call sat d.calls for

call for=need,require需要的意思 call on呼唤 call up召集 留心本句其实 now 后边省掉了一个 that now that 标明因为 因为动力疑问变得很尖利,所以如今需要当即处置.否则你会发现两个单句竟然没有连词.

2、this novelis worth reading,because itgives a detailed description ofthe historical______in 1949.

a.accidents b.cases c.events d.things

本题查询名词词义分析。这部小说值得一读,因为它具体地描绘了发生于 1949年的前史作业。所******的四个选项的 词义是:a事端,意外;b情况,案子,c作业,大事;d作业,东西。其间能标明前史性的大事只需 c项契合

3、do you think you’re____to the exam,joanna?

a.in b.fit c.up d.able

be up to在这儿的意思是从事于,忙于

4、it would be a mistake to__________this law to situations which are outside this range.

a.apply b.use c.employ d.fit

5、the hours_________the children spend in their one-way relationship with television people undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people.

a.when b.on which c.that d.in which

[译文]孩子们花在与电视里的人的单向联络上的时刻,毫无疑问地会影响他们与实践日子中的我们的联络[题解]本句 只需找到语句的主语(the hours)、谓语(affect)和宾语(their relationships),就可以理清语句的条理:the hours与 状语 undoubtedly之间的有些应为定语从句,润饰语句的主语,而 the hours作从句中及物动词 spend的宾语,关 系代词前不需要介词,故选 that

6、would you be________do me a favour,please?

a.kind enough to b.so kind enough to

c.so kind enough as to d.kind enough

would you be so kind as to…?”是标明谦让的恳求的一种固定用法.

7、without a family,old tom lived all_____on a small farm in the south.

a.alone b.lonely c.lone d.lively


8、the audience waited anxiously as the_____was raised,revealing the beautiful scene on the stage.

a.screen b.curtain c.sheet d.covering


9、______down the high street,peter bumped into jenny.

a.on walk b.as walking c.walking d.walked


10、the titanic____america and went down on its first trip

a.set off on b.set off of c.set out to d.set out for

off for some


11、i sympathize with the women’s liberation movementonly_____a certain extent.

a.at b.with c.to d.in


12、people in a society stick to their traditions because they like their society as it is and do not____to change it.

a.tend b.extend c.pretend d.intend

intend方案 ,在一个社会中,我们坚持他们的传统是因为他们喜爱他们的社会现状,而不方案改动它。

13、he had a high fever when he was three,____him completely blind.(完全失明)

a.made b.to make c.making d.being made

一个语句不能有两个谓语,所以 a错,因为当一个语句呈现两个动词时,其间一个必定是 ing方法或 todo方法,d错,因为 d表被逼,而盲这个动作不必“被盲了”,to do标明未做的或意图,标题中“盲”这件事是成果~

14、it took me a long time to_____the shock of her death.

a.get off b.get away c.get across d.get over


15、the chairman signed the contract____the company.

a.on be half of(代表) b.in case of(如果呈现…情况)

c.on account of(因为) d.in place of(替代)

16、______his cold,he came first in the athletics meet.

a.regardless of b.despite c.inspite d.besides

本题查询介词(短语)的用法。regardless of意为“不管,不管,不思考”;despite为介词,意为“尽管,尽管”;inspite of意为“尽管,尽管”,这儿短少 of;besides意为“除……外还有”

17、about two-thirds of the money_____spent on necessary equipment.

a.have b.have been c.has d.has been


18、he tried to draw the______of a house on the paper.

a.out line b.painting c.trip d.figure


19、although i spoke to him many times,he never took any______of what i said.

a.notice b.remark c.observation d.attention (notice留心,takenoticeof留心)。

句意为:尽管我跟他讲过多次,但他从不留心我说过的话。remark留心,如 areport worthy of special remark;c.observation调查,凝视;d.attention留心,其分配是 payattentionto。

20、a fall he had in infancy resulted____his deafness.

a.for b.from

c.in d.to



one summer evening, i was sitting by the open window, reading a good but rather frightening mystery story. after a time, it was too dark for me to read easily,so i put my book down and turned on the light. i was just about to draw the 21 as well when i heard aloudcry“help!help!”it 22 to come from the tree sat the end of the garden.i looked out but it was too 23 to see any thing clearly.so i decided to go out and have a look in the garden,just 24 some one was in 25 .i took the torch and picked up a strong walking stick, 26 that this might come to be useful,too. 27 with these,i went out into the garden. 28 i heard the cry.there was no 29 that it came from the trees at the end of the garden. “who’s there?”i 30 as i walked,rather 31 ,down the path that 32 to the trees.but there was no 33 .with the help of my torch i 34 the whole of that part of the garden and the lower 35 of the trees.there was no sign of any body or any thing.i came to the 36 that some one was playing a rather silly joke on me. 37 feeling rather puzzled,i went back to the house and 38 away the torch and the stick.i had just sat down when i was startled by the cry of“help!help!”,this time from 39 my shoulder.idropped my book and climbed up.there,sitting 40 of the mantelpiece(壁炉 ),was a parrot!

小题 1: a.gun b.picture c.curtains d.car

小题 2: a.seemed b.looked c.sounded d.proved

小题 3: a.far b.distant c.dark d.black

小题 4: a.asif b.eventhoughc.ontime d.incase

小题 5: a.difficultb.power c.trouble d.ease

小题 6: a.thinking b.wishing c.demanding d.requesting

小题 7: a.suppliedb.loaded c.armedd.decorated

小题 8: a.againandagainb.nowandthenc.fromtimetotimed.onceagain

小题 9: a.wonderb.doubtc.problem d.question

小题 10: a.spokeoutb.calledoutc.gotoutd.saidout

小题 11: a.seriouslyb.nervously c.curiouslyd.hurriedly

小题 12: a.led b.wentc.passed d.joined

小题 13: a.person b.body c.answer d.voice

小题 14: a.studied b.searchedc.tested d.examined

小题 15: a.roots b.branches c.leaves d.bushes

小题 16: a.beginningb.end c.conclusion d.introduction

小题 17: a.but b.yet c.already d.still

小题 18: a.put b.took c.threw d.cleared

小题 19: a.faroff b.downbelowc.leftto d.rightbehind

小题 20: a.ontop b.atthefoot c.inside d.outside

答案:cacdc acdbb bacdb cdada


小题 1:上下文串联。天亮了大约是把窗布拉起来,预备开灯。

小题 2:固定规划.根据句意可知选 a。it seem to do如同…

小题 3:上下文 串联。由第一段第二行可知。

小题 4:连词分析。由上下文可知我抉择出去看一看,以防有人遇见费事,需要协助。

小题 5:名词分析。解析同上。

小题 6:动词分析。根据上下文可知我认为手电和木棒可以会对我有所协助。

小题 7:词义分析,be armed with配备有…;根据句意可知我配备了这些东西,去了花园

小题 8:词义分析。由句意可知我又一次 听见了求救的声响。

小题 9:固定规划。there is no doubt that…毫无疑问….;

小题 10:短语分析。a理解并嘹亮地 说;b大声叫(喊);c出书,泄露;d说出;由句意可知我非常严峻,边走大声叫喊。

小题 11:副词分析。解析同上。

小题 12:固定词组。leadto通向;由句意可知是通向花园中大树的小路。

小题 13:上下文串联。我大喊:谁在 那里?没有人答复。我又一次细心的查看花园的那个有些和树的低矮有些的树枝。

小题 14:动词分析。解析同上。

小题 15:名词分析。解析同上.

小题 16:固定词组。cometotheconclusion得出结论;

小题 17:副词分析。由上下文可 知我仍然根据很利诱,清楚听到了声响,去看不到人。

小题 18:固定词组。putaway拾掇,收拾;takeaway带走;throwaway丢掉;clearaway铲除;由句意可知我回家现已把东西拾掇好。

小题 19:词义分析。根据上下文可知这 次的声响是来自我的不和。

小题 20:常识。鹦鹉大约是不可以能在壁炉的里边,在外面表达不精确。也不会是在壁炉的 脚下。所以 a精确

三、阅览了解(两篇,一篇 4个题,每题 2.5分,共 20分,20分钟)

第一篇 41-44 第二篇 45-48




he failed to catch the train in time.


we had a meeting in this room yesterday.


what kind of work you will do in the future is entirely up to you.


all the boys in the class likes wimming.


some parents ask too much of their children.


54、directions:for this part,you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic should grown-up children live with their parents? you should write at least 100 words according to the outline given below in chinese:


