
?重视italki微信,获得更多英语好文?we all know that the best way to learn a language is to talk to native speakers. that's why we are all here on this website, but sometimes, it's not possible

to speak with natives; we don't live in our target language country, we don't have an internet connection, we are sick

of sitting at a computer for hours, we need to go for a run, we have to go to work, etc.众所周知学习言语最佳的办法就是和以此为母语的人攀谈。因而咱们会在

这儿用这个网站。不过有时分,不是都有机缘和他们攀谈。咱们没有住到说那种言语的国家去,有时分网络不通,坐在电脑前数小时,也需要出去跑跑步,而且咱们还要作业等等。but we can keep on learning and absorbing

language during the time that we aren't engaging with native speakers. make sentences up in your head while walking to work. write short stories, make friends with 谷歌 translate. here are some more ideas to help you continue to learn your target language when you're alone.不过即便咱们不跟说母语的兄弟们攀谈,咱们仍是可以持续学习和罗致言语方面的常识。比方在上班路上静静在脑中造几句语句,写个小故事,勾搭勾搭谷歌翻译。下面我会跟我们介绍一些办法,即便你一自个仍是能持续学外语。这篇文章作者正在italki上授课?重视italki微信,获得更多英语好文?put it in context