Daddy, today’s your birthday.

Daddy,today’s your birthday. Your birth is meaningful and your being is everything tome. Your bb wants to say thank you and happy birthday! My great and geniusdaddy, I love you forever. My eternal love for you will never change. Thank you for all the gifts you’ve given me.
0 o]! w. [# R/ a' Q2 T; z- H$ [Thank you for all your understanding. " B# x1 ]j4 O9 H0 n
Thank you for all your caring for me.
6 k6 E: u& }0 e1 K1 i3 s- \* Y" Y! V9 P4 b0 ?
Thank you for living. & m1 x1 J! X: y
Thank you for all the love you’ve given me. ! z4 ]6 w; \/ x0 ^$ z/ v# _
Thank you for all the memories. ! L. d, p2 P9 R
Thank you. : ?; n5 \X9 v: Q+ g" u& N1 J' _8 Q

: m! U5 _1 x% r% TThank you for being someone I adore.
0 W, s) S: b$ d7 s6 h, vThank you for all your support. 9 J0 Z# {) oK) H( y8 G' w
Thank you for always being there. 4 L: D: ?- h7 g- U% i" }+ {
Thank you for all the good you’ve shared.
: I! x/ u( L$ F" XT, A- E7 S0 Z9 N7 ?6 O
Thank you for all your smiles.
i2 v+ u% m7 o" ]4 yThank you for all the happy days.
& K. Z; ~0 |! R2 P2 FThank you for having faith.
- p6 l# _9 ~& e- n( e- y' uThank you for all good times you’ve made. ( c: l7 z$ j: a, x; I& V

7 m$ ~( j8 q. J3 @9 i) J' zThank you for all your teaching. - ]2 O/ k8 u/ [+ T4 m! e. \
Thank you for all your reaching.
' }5 `# g- T# h& {- V
$ ?: W) W8 aa- k$ e3 w2 fThank you for knowing me.
4 s1 Y) K9 Z2 v7 X- U- ^Thank you for believing in me. 4 |9 B+ m3 |" L
" b1 j5 d) J1 e+ j- m
Thank you for all the good you say.
$ Yr- V6 x& `% I5 S/ gThank you for all your loving ways. 2 F" p2 d$ }[0 O

g4 n# S9 _. `. w% yThank you for all the good you do.
4 M2 k8 H3 z' U" KThank you for being you. ! X" K8 p{3 x7 h' \
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