鹅妈妈童谣学习《Star light,star bright》

从Jason10个月开始英语启蒙到现在3岁半,一个英语渣渣妈妈也算摸着石头过河了,Jason现在听说没问题,某天收拾书柜,拿出了当初磨耳朵的鹅妈妈,说真的,没有好好利用起来。想想经久不衰的鹅妈妈,不能这样浪费了,决定好好学一下,果然是会上瘾的。今天起开始在猜网分享我和Jason的鹅妈妈童谣学习笔记。视频:+ p3 X- p5 B, {# n- \; a6 P' a
Star light,star bright
2 D7 U# _: }$ K; Y
9 Z0 W# |5 Q6 k+ k6 q$ `儿歌:
7 J- U8 d8 m+ U7 eStar light,star bright,' |9 P, j4 w3 n$ ^' X8 C/ U
First star I see tonight;5 ?- k# JM8 H! G4 ~
I wish I may,I wish I might,
+ Y! }2 h* O8 r' vHave the wish I wish tonight., {; O5 d4 T4 wx1 u4 R
8 ^+ Z" G* t- g, ^
互动:+ N9 v( t; ~1 `' ~* u; R2 C9 k
The first star you see every night,Do you know what this star is?( S! N( ^& a6 @' R+ T
The first star that appears in the sky after sunset at night is called Hesperus(长庚星).q: m' o( I, V1 k' F# W+ p
So What is the last star before the sun comes out in the morning?
?% L' V) a/ U+ L/ @# H4 dWe call it Morning star(启明星).! P: |, D" L5 `* U7 [
3 x# L: z3 F8 T5 P0 U$ |: A/ m* p
What is your wish?Do you have some wishes?1 n: z3 rP& B; V! h6 J- Q7 o
If you have some wishes,you can wish upon a shooting star.$ u1 D; `. @0 `* d5 s( p
Mummy has a wish that I hope the virus will disappear soon.
/ V& Z6 k( @3 x* V0 G: R9 `What is shooting star?2 \/ ~' a& e2 J7 {% r: g1 b
Sometimes you'll see a star dragging its long tail through the night sky, and we'll call it a shooting star.When you see a shooting star,you can make a wish.' d2 t" H1 F4 B# r6 w

x, B0 x: ~4 H$ u1 @]/ A7 O% a拓展:看图说话3 u0 ?V|4 l6 q3 g

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2020-5-6 12:27 上传

' u# N8 k9 ~[3 qb+ X" ^
A shiny moon is in the sky.) D! v! t+ j& ]1 OC& ~! U
A little girl sits on the moon.
: @; k* r$ M# [$ iThe shiny yellow moon is a big banana.; T9 E& @5 e1 K$ t1 t) C3 R
The little girl sits on the shiny banana moon.$ v% E/ o/ p4 f, v; z
A little kitten sits on her lap.
& ~# z# m+ m% i) @7 ]- F7 L$ x8 bThe little kitten smiles.
, g* a- @2 U6 Z2 _# x& YThe big banana moon smiles.& J( Z: N* O6 k2 [! N( H, U9 {2 U% E
The little girl laughs.
: }, {) }) Y! [( gShe catches a shiny yellow star in her net.' E$ a) g/ r( K0 y% l( A1 L/ X1 a

* ]' Q5 I( A" N# K唱童谣,学形状* b* d+ u7 x5 ~& R/ A6 O3 d
视频:star light,star bright
- T6 Y) C7 ?, i1 X( Q( HStar light,star bright+ s! N/ I3 _/ E7 ?* h6 E. }
Glowing all night5 X% |2 d, e4 i2 @& `
Looking up in to the sky
+ _# s. UJ) w, b( O! }Star light,star bright
3 d+ f9 b" N) }3 _* kWishing,wondering
6 _! l8 q. N# T8 X. Q- vWaht shapes can I see tonight?
1 {: X$ T/ I2 j/ q& xI see a square
0 y/ a1 xj8 n. ^# W[I see a triangle
1 g% b7 n' s( A3 I6 Cx' p_9 K& lI see a rectangle
+ Wu. j7 d7 l2 [I see an oval
9 [; u; _6 m% \) D5 ]I see a diamond
7 l$ C2 D- N& G3 D8 LI see a heart
, D$ }' d" B( S% M! A6 Z
, _& m" i/ q8 W1 e/ K/ }+ A涂色练习:% O; w! {4 T+ a( u- q9 w, w

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2020-5-6 12:32 上传

, U, q% Z+ K) H( X$ y, D

6 @% a& S+ @3 @( H5 Y; C" S- e

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