
儿子一周十:上周海尼曼GK级到手,发现对于两岁左右的低龄宝宝,如果按照GK级别来读有点难,因为GK级系列是难度不同等级交叉,level A-B-C是穿插着来的,对于小宝宝level B和level C句子都有点长难度有点大,所以建议像我们家这种两岁左右的小宝宝可以先度Level A,当然如果宝宝有了一定的阅读和识图基础了,就可以直接按照GK-1-70的原有顺序进行;同时,GK系列里其实有很多场景/句型是类似的,每一本都是8张图片8句话,如果能把相似的场景放在一起不断重复阅读,可能会加深宝宝的理解;所以,我就挑出类似场景的书,同时每本书的文字都打印一遍,一来方便于妈妈看,二来也是我自己备课啦。同时也希望大家有好的建议一起分享~~
+ F. ]7 o! C- ~: O/ }" M6 y4 ^PS:建议大家可以把每本书记下来,毕竟每本书也才8句话,相信不难哈;PPS:建议大家可以充分利用其自己手头上的绘本,如我们在看I/ We can see ….这几本时,就再把brown bear what do you see 的绘本拿出来玩;补充:由于每本书的文字我都是自己打印出来,所以有可能出现单词错误的也请大家指出来,我来改正哈,相信群众的眼睛是雪亮的^_^也希望正在阅读海尼曼的猜爸猜妈能跟我分享你们是怎么进行的阿~~) z0 w# X% |n# o; n9 X* U
以下是Level A合计44本的相似场景分类,我分了7个场景;及每本书的内容,大家可以先从自己宝宝比较熟悉或比较喜欢的场景或事物先开始;以下我列出的绘本仅仅是我们家的绘本,若大家有更好的提议,建议可以一起参与进来哦,一起分享,一起让HNM和绘本共同玩起来哈^_^------------------------------------------1.场景-看到了什么(6 本) 01+13+14+15+42+43-结合绘本Brown bear what do you see,from head to toe,the bear book;from 2015.08.31to 2015.09.0601 At the market- I can see the apples/bananas/eggs/cheese/milk/bread/meat/market;13 At the Zoon- We can see a monkey/ snake/bear/ lion/ elephant/giraffe/zebra/ bird;14 On the way to school- I see the sign/bus/ driver/ children/ school/ playground/ door/teacher;15 The park- I can see the grass/ flowers/trees/ birds/ slide/ swings/ children/ park;42 The puppet show-I can see the children/ticket/ popcorn/ seats/ stage/ puppets/ show/ the end;60 At the pond- We can see a frog/turtle/fish/ fox/ snake/ butterfly/ duck/ pond;---------------------------------------2.场景-做什么运动 (6本)11+12+16+18+20+58------------结合绘本MY DAD, MY MOM, Things I Like, NO David,因为这些场景娃比较熟悉,所以我们先从这6本开始froom 2015.08.24 to 2015.08.31这系列场景,娃都比较喜欢,毕竟跟生活场景比较贴切,可以唱唱跳跳,每个画面都配合一个动作,娃会很乐意参与滴:P11Mom-Mom is walking/ reading/ jumping/swimming/ riding/ shopping/eating/ hugging me;12 Dad- Dad is driving/ cooking/ singing/running/ digging/writing/painting/hiding;16 Tom- Tom can run/ play/ hide/ eat/drink/ jump/ sleep/ purr;18 Baby- Baby is sleeping/ crying/ eating/sitting/ crawling/ eating/ playing/ laughing; 20Little cub- I am eating/ running/ riding/drawing/ kicking/ playing/ reading/ dreaming;58 Birds- This bird is flying/swimming/drinking/ eating/ walking/ running/ sleeping/ talking;-----------------------------------3.场景-请看什么 (9本)03+23+24+34+44+46+50+04+40, 结合绘本Brown bear what do you see,from head to toe,the bear book;things i likefrom 201509.14 to 2015.09.3003 Funny Things- Look at the funny shoes/socks/ pants/ shirt/ coat/ wig/ hat/ clown;23 Going sledding- Look at the pants/jacket/ socks/ boots/ hat/ mittens/ sled/ me;24 Making a snowman- Look at the snow/ hat/buttons/ carrots/ banana/ scarf/ stick/ snowman;34 The sidewalk-Look at the bus/ bird/flower/ dog/ car/ tree/ rainbow/ rain;44 My baby sister-Look at the ball/ book/bear/ rattle/ duck/ dog/ baby/ smile;46 The parade- Look at the flags/ clowns/band/ truck/ car/ balloons/ people/ parade;50 Getting ready- Look at my pants/ socks/shoes/shirt/ cap/ball/bat/dad;04 The Baby Animals-Come and see the babybirds/ chick/ duckling/ puppy/ kitten/lamb/piglet;40 The show- Come and see the clown/ horse/dog/ bear/ lion/ elephant/ tiger/ show;------------------------------------4.场景-喜欢什么 (4 本) 02+21+48+32结合绘Things I Like, no davidfrom 2015.09.07 to 2015.09.1302 Rex –I like to swing/ run/ climb/ hang/jump/ slide/ ride/ swim/;21 My room- I like my bed/ books/ lamp/chair/ toys/ picture/ bear/ room;48 At school- I like to read/ write/ build/cut/ draw/paint/play at school;32 Polly- Polly likes the banana/ carrot/apple/ tomato/ orange/ corn/ flower/ hat;-----------------------------------------------5.场景-这是什么 (7本)25+26+29+30+36+54+5625 My lunch- Here is my apple/ juice/bread/ cheese/ lettuce/ cookie/ napkin/ lunch;26 Toys-Here is a car/ ball/ truck/ bus/boat/ plane/ train/ happy birthday;29 Setting the table-Here is the mat/napkin/ plate/ knife/ fork/ spoon/ glass/ table;30 The flower- Here is the port/ dirt/seed/ water/ sun/ stem/ leaf/ flower;36 The pet store-Here is a kitten/ puppy/fish/ frog/ gerbil/ bird/ snake/ bunny;54 The play - Here is the mouse/ hen/ cat/duck/ dog/ cow/ horse/ party;56 Making a pizza- Here is the pan/ dough/sauce/ cheese/ pepperoni/oven/ pizza/ pan;-----------------------------------------6.场景-我能做什么(4本)17+52+64+6817I can read- I can read to my mom/ dad/grandma/ grandpa/ brother/ dog/ bear/ myself;52 My bear- I can ride/ eat/ dance/ read/skate/ paint/swing/ sleep with my bear;64 Drawing- I can draw a mom/ dad/ girl/boy/ baby/ dog/ cat/ my family;68 Painting- I can paint a tree/ flower/house/ car/ dog/ cat/ family/ picture;---------------------7.其它场景:(8本)19+23+27+28+38+62+66+7019 Playing dress up- I am a little cat/bee/duck/monster/ dancer/ dog/bunny/ little girl;23 The baby- The baby has a bottle/ book/blanket/ block/ bear/ duck/ toy/ smile;27 Little thins- I have a little bed/table/ chair/ lamp/ clock/ stove/ sink/ house;28 Packing my bag- I have my pants/ shirt/socks/ shoes/ toothbrush/ pajamas/ bear/ bag;38 Wheels- A bike/ car/ truck/ bus/ van/plane/ train/ wheelchair has wheels;62 Spots- A dog/cow/ pig/ ladybug/ frog/fish/ cat/ clown has spots;66 Baking- We baked the pizza/ bread/ pies/brownies/ cupcakes/ cookies/ cake; 70 Things that go fast- The car/ plane/train/ bus/ boat/ truck/ bike /I can go fast;' U" _5 p: E$ @/ w' T6 j9 ^! E
同时,建个楼也是为了督促自己,不要偷懒哦,坚持就会有收获哈~~~PPS:最近娃早上睁开眼睛会主动跟我说good morning,好开心呀^_^
8 s7 S! E. X( g& D
参与人数 2鲜花 +101 收起 理由 juanzi211 + 1 deerslayer + 100 这样的使用心得加分是必须的:).


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