
网校导读:汉语有十级,国外也有英语十六级!想必能抵达英语十六级的人必定英语水平超级腻害吧!网校给我们收拾了英语十级的水平,供参阅 ...

英语专业8级是国内英语最高档tem8(test for english major 8) 而且也不是随意都能考的,一般只需英语专业才干考的。



buffalo buffalo

buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo.

police police police police police police police police.

can-can can-can can can can can can-can.


james, while john had had had had had had had had had had had a better effect on the teacher.

i want to put a hyphen between the words fish and and and and and chips in my fish-and-chips sign.

wouldn't the above sentence have been clearer if quotation marks had been placed before fish, and between fish and and, and and and and, and and and and, and and and and,

and and and and, and and and chips, as well as after chips?


the above sentence is much easier to read because the writer placed commas between and and & and and and and, & and and and and & and and and and, & and and and and & and and and and, & and and and and &

and and and and, & and and and and & and and and...






