

Like all relationships, a love affair with running has its ups and down. One day you can’t imagine your life without running, and the next you may be cursing at yourself (while running, of course) for getting started with this crazy sport.



If you have moments when your love for running is fading (and who doesn’t?), here are some ways to re-ignite the spark:


1. Talk to other runners.


Whether you're discussing your past glory days or future running goals, talking about running with other runners can help remind you of why you feel in love with it in the first place.


2. Buy yourself some new running gear.


Treat yourself to some new running gear, such as a new shirt or running socks, as a reward for your hard work. The treat will make you feel energized, and reinforce your commitment to your training. After all, who doesn’t look forward to wearing that new, cool-looking running gear on a long run? If you don’t need any new gear, a massage or pedicure is always a nice reward.


3. Display your bling.


Having visual reminders of your running accomplishments can help keep you motivated to get out there again (and collect more bling). Get one of those cool medal hanging racks to keep your race medals organized and add some visual interest to one of your walls.


4. Mentor a new runner.


One way to show yourself how far you’ve come is to share your running knowledge and experience with others. If you have a family member or friend who's expressed an interest


in running, ask her if she'd like to join you for a run (at her pace), needs help shopping for running shoes and gear, or maybe even wants to train for a race together. Not only will helping a new runner allow you to see and celebrate your progress, but you’ll also get a motivation boost.
